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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Before the hacker gets to hack.....

LarryTheStableGuy wrote on 12/15/2009 06:42:20 PM:
Isn't it comical that those who complained so loudly about "freedom of speech" are now hacking the comments to delete and cloak?

OlyKay wrote on 12/15/2009 03:34:51 PM:
Hopefully, the Olympian will not penalize the person -- LarryTheStableGuy -- for pointing out the vulgar posts, rather than the person who uses this scatological and vulgar term to address another blogger.
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OlyKay wrote on 12/15/2009 03:25:39 PM:
Perhaps the Olympian watchdog, like I, hasn't been aware it is profane in urban usage.
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OlyKay wrote on 12/15/2009 02:33:34 PM:
Repeatedly calling sparkle "spackle" seems so juvenile...
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Thanks Kay.


sparkle said...

And Kay I thank you too! Larry, the spackle thing is something that really shouldn't piss me off so much, and didn't until I realized what it was in "street terms."
Thanks for standing up for me on that one!

Kardnos said...


I hope that you had a chance to voice your concerns to The Olympian.

One of our commenters has figured it out. I don't want to disclose it in public, as it would just tell another asshole how to do it.

The Olympian may have to close the threads to solve the problem.

OlyKay2 said...

Sparkle, you are so very welcome! At first I thought Sondra was just being petty and juvenile, but after Larry alerted me to the urban vocabulary word, I realized what she was doing was far nastier. Couldn't let it go w/o speaking up.
I just found out TONIGHT that I could click on bloggers' names and find out more, including this blog of Larry's.
While I'm new to blogging, and sometimes pretty dense, it'a amazing how quickly the reasonable folks and the nutcases sort themselves out, isn't it?
OlyKay2 on this, OlyKay on Olympian