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Saturday, July 24, 2010

And this is from the guy that talks about how the "left hates"...

Banjoboy wrote on 07/24/2010 09:34:19 AM:
I wonder if we can get Storman's to open a Caterpillar dealership.

Read more:

WTG, hate boy....

Nice to know you want to kill people....

I only make fun of you... want to kill people with tractors.....

..How very "Christian" of you....


sidrat38 said...


you know that First Commandment, right...

(Not the first AMENDMENT...the first COMMANDMENT....)

You know..

God and all that?????

It's what you claim to be....

..although the facts seem to indicate otherwise.....

sidrat38 said...

Here's a hint....

(it's about not killing people...)

Anonymous98507 said...

Followed up by:

Banjoboy wrote on 07/24/2010 02:16:23 PM:

Maybe the Co-Op can open a Caterpillar dealership.

Read more:

sidrat38 said...

saw that,Anon....

Apparently, someone needs to learn some morals...

This gay man would teach him, but I think it's a lost cause....

sidrat38 said...
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sidrat38 said...

Funny, also how my PC seems to get viruses and firewall attacks just after I post the truth...

Seems like someone who likes killing young women with tractors also likes to try and kill computers..,.

sidrat38 said...

Banjoboy wrote on 07/24/2010 02:16:23 PM:
Maybe the Co-Op can open a Caterpillar dealership. posted it...

not me...