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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More idiocy from Newt

If the facts aren't enough, invent a threat to our society

Published: 09/21/10

Boy, one thing I really hate is when American judges try to impose harsh Islamic sharia law. You know, with all those grisly lashings, stonings and beheadings.

What’s that? No such thing is happening, and where did I get such a crazy idea? Why, Newt Gingrich told me.

... Newt says we have to halt the insidious encroachment of sharia law, and we have to halt it here and now. In July, speaking at the American Enterprise Institute, he went on at great length about the supposed sharia menace, which he sees as part of a “stealth” campaign to impose Islam on all of us.
The “stealth jihadis,” I suppose, must be like the “known communists” on the list in Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s hand.

In the July speech, Gingrich painted liberals as a bunch of fellow travelers: “How we don’t have some kind of movement in this country on the left that understands that sharia is a direct mortal threat to virtually every value that the left has is really one of the most interesting historical questions,” he said.

Where to begin? First, I guess, by stating the obvious: There is no left-of-center movement dedicated to fighting the steady, stealthy insinuation of sharia into America’s legal system because no such thing is happening.

Gingrich invents an enemy and then demands to know why others haven’t sallied forth to slay it.

If Newt were aware of this, would he blow a gasket? I doubt it. His objection seems to be faith-specific. And his purpose seems to be political. If Muslim-bashing draws a rise – and apparently it does – then he’s not going to be outdone. Watch out, Judge Judy. He may be coming for you next.

1 comment:

Anonymous98507 said...

This new posting version causes a lot of extra lines! The way it looks is not the way it looked when I composed it..... Grrrrrrrr