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Monday, February 27, 2012

Andy Kaufmann lives!

Nothing like the joke that no one gets.


Anonymous98507 said...

Sorry, getting the joke or not doesn't make any difference to me, and it doesn't matter whether Seacrest was in on it or not. I never thought Andy Kaufmann was that funny, and I think that Sascha-whatever is a fool not worthy of spending any time on. (Now, aren't you sorry you asked? LOL)

sidrat38 said...

There have always been "fringe" comics well before Sasha and Kaufmann..Lenny Bruce springs to mind.

Anonymous98507 said...

Hmmmm, I think of Bruce more as a satirist than a comic.

One of his quotes really fits the fools who comment on the Zero:
The "what should be" never did exist, but people keep trying to live up to it. There is no "what should be," there is only what is.

Kardnos said...

Lenny Bruce's best bit:

(tip of the hat to Dustin Hoffman)