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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From the email bag....

Thanks to the ThurstonBloggers that keep me informed as to what the snakes are doing in the snakepit.  These were today's email submissions.  I must admit, Sandy's panties are in a knot about a few goodies:
Hey sage, you may tell your friends at the non-award winning web site (where the crickets chirp) that it's not cool to spit on someone's grave and celebrate the death of a publisher.  In fact it's sick.  More hypocrisy.
Who is defending him sage?  I haven't heard anyone defending the names that Rush called her.  I did hear a lot of defending from the left when Ed Schultz said the same thing.  In fact I remember someone clearly defending Schultz who has the same first name as my screen name and now posts on another blog.   I also was in a debate yesterday with someone who was defending Malloy's comments about tornado victims.
I guess I should address these posts from the Zero.  First of all, SondraK, well known in small circles of conservative assholes (now there is a great pun), has highjacked my personal name - Larry P. Hill - since I submitted a letter to the editor of The News Tribune.  I only share that so that people can make some sort of conclusion on a person so insignificant that she has to hijack names for monikers and email addresses (see below)
I've deleted that comment as off-topic and blacklisted
That was from an email from the moderator manager of the News Tribune.  Feel free to spam the link.

Sandy is rather sick.  She is constantly in need of attention, but is too ashamed to allow people to know who she is, opting for hiding behind others identities.  You might say "why Kardnos"?  I adopted this name to make Sandy feel like someone cared enough.  Maybe she needs a pet tarantula or a male phallus companion.

Finally....we have this:  "I did hear a lot of defending from the left when Ed Schultz said the same thing.  In fact I remember someone clearly defending Schultz who has the same first name as my screen name"

Sandy is a pathological liar.  Her reference to me on this issue of Schultz is virtually impossible because I did not discuss the issue of Schultz with her - primarily because I wasn't posting on The Olympian cesspool last year when Schutz was taken to task for calling Laura Ingraham a slut.  You see, Sandy will blatantly lie to try to get a rise out of anyone that she can.  It's all part of the sickness.

Award winning?  ThurstonBlog is such a fine quality piece of work that several dozen conservative IPs visit on a daily basis and monitor our content, many times making reference to it in the Zippidy Doo Dah.  Who can ask for a more rewarding honor than daily readership from those that claim to despise you?  Maybe I'll make a faux award and post it on the blog.

Celebrating the death of a publisher.  Hmmm...from the same piece of shit that celebrated my stroke in 2007 and publicly wished death upon me?  More of the same hypocrisy from the same attention whore.

Sandy....I have a new knock knock joke.  Then your 15 minutes of fame is over.....

Knock, knock

(who's there?)


(awgoe who?)



sidrat38 said...

Anonymous98507 said...

Well, well, well! She-Who had better get herself a lawyer! LOLOLOL

Anonymous98507 said...

sidrat38, check the latest comment-- Anonymii has She-Who's number! LOL

sidrat38 said...

I'll take a peek

Kardnos said...

But, but, but....

under the moniker "Larry_phill" she claims to never click the abuse link....

Anonymous98507 said...

Well, she must have gotten it removed. However, I captured it before then. It said:
Hmmmm, hear the footsteps of the process server behind you, Sondra?


sidrat38 said...

Larry_phill 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
Must see tv???? If you like watching people who are terrible at their jobs then I guess so.
A Like Reply Today 12:55 PM in reply to leftwing_conspirator 0 Like Report Abuse

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