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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm SO Glad I Don't Live in South Carolina!

This video from Slate Magazine tells me w-a-a-a-a-y more than I need to know about the intellectual capacity of South Carolina Teabaggers!


Anonymous98507 said...

Geez, isn't that scary! Love the fool that says we spend too much money on education.... but maybe he's right, because any money spent on attempting to educate him was a pure waste. snort

sidrat38 said...

You beat me to it, Anon..

that was frightening...

LostOnAnIsland said...

Was that the She Beast who had her crimson canvas cowboy hat pulled down ever so strategically to cover her unibrow? She should get a job as a sort of drug free visual castrator in a home for sexual deviants.
Speaking of sexual deviants, was that Joey with the "Impeach Obummer" sign and horrible hairpiece? Nah, that guy was far too slim and charming.

Kardnos said...

Paddle Faster!!!!

I hear banjo music.....

Spinnaker said...

If the interview had continued, I'll bet we would have learned that the couple had the same last name before they were married.

sidrat38 said...

LOL, Spinn

sparkle said...

So how many of them are on Social Security? The dumb fools!