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Friday, April 1, 2011

Sometimes a Great Reply

In an LTE to the Zip Patricia Vandehey of Shelton patiently explains how the power of true grassroots organizing shut down the Adage incinerator project. Unable to wrap their minds around the truth, the puppets popped up in force. One of my favorites, Jimmy the Stool, blathered:


Mason county residents? More like the professional environmental protesters from out of the area killed this thing. Most of the real, long time residents were for this plant coming in, and I grew up in Shelton so I know a lot of long timers.

You know, the usual Know Thing and Proud of it crap that fills the bowels of the cesspool. Then this response put a smile on my face.


I live in Mason County and participated, so I personally KNOW the people who opposed the plant. Most of the organizers are either business owners, professionals, doctors, and retired people. My father protested and he's in his 70's.

Define a "professional" protester. Do you think we get paid to protect ourselves? Do you have any idea how stupid "professional protester" sounds? It sounds so stupid it almost makes me believe you were born here.

It's like calling us "elitists". Yeah, all of us Shelton "elitists" conspire professionally while we rub elbows at Walmart and secret meetings at the Fir Cone or Bob's for a schooner. After all, everyone knows Mason county is where all the 'elitists' and 'professional protesters' live. It's a dumb enough idea. You might be a Shelton redneck.

If MOST wanted it, then they would have gathered more than the 3500 signatures we did opposing it and demanded a ballot like we did. WE were willing to put our votes where our mouths are. Those for it? They knew if it was put to a vote it would fail.
We didn't find many that wanted it or even knew about it.

Read more:

Bravo farfetched, bravo.


sidrat38 said...

After reading the comments, Far gives some very logical, informed, and cohesive arguments...

It's no doubt that the Cons will soon be calling him/her a "hippie radical"..

Oops..too late..

RedForeman 2 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
I know some locals were opposed to it but I also know that the chick in the ragged clothes and dreadlocks waving the sign on the corner was not from around here. Olympians and greeners love a good protest. They flock to them like flies to manu.

Kardnos said...

Red Foreman knows that there is a conspiracy in Olympia and spends a lot of time at the Eagles Bar going over it with other members.

Someone recently posted a solicitation for talent in Olympia. Seeking single musicians and comedians, with minimal compensation. I sent a response because it's close to home and a chance to work on my skills in a new environment.

I got an immediate response and was told that I'd be booked. I asked if they could tell me anything about the venue and was told "no, it's a private club".

The Eagles are always looking for free talent. I'll laugh in their face if it's them. I will then tell them that their spokesman screwed them out of a good deal.

I sure saw a lot of "hippies" when I played the Shelton Market last summer. They are probably just there to see if there is a protest.