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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Well, It Seems Like She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ...

... has finally gone off the deep end. And is bringing others with her. The latest: S0NDRA_KOVACIO: "In case sphincter misses it buried in his numerous personal and inappropriate comments... When a woman makes it explicitly clear that your inappropriate and relentless personal attention is extremely off putting and couldn't be any more undesired and she finds you repulsive yet you continuously insist on making everything personal in a clearly unpersonal place...well...there's a word for that. The irony of your ridiculous and inappropriate comments in light of all that is beyond demented. No. means. No. Let's make sure this is clear to you, sphincter...your inappropriate personal attention is not in any way shape or form wanted and I find you repulsive and vile. Stick to the topics and stop attempting to drag me personally into your life." Read more here: There are over 500 comments here, and our favorite commenter jumped in the middle out of nowhere to make her usual outrageous claims. It was a lot like watching a train wreck -- you want to turn away, but ...


Spinnaker said...

If you have the time, check through the comments. If you see where I've said anything inappropriate, let me know.

Anonymous98507 said...

Just go to the Disqus files and click on "Activity" to see compiled comments.

Yours is at:

The Sondra_Kovacio files:

Anonymous98507 said...

Another name She-Who used on the same story (and within an hour of each other!):


Anonymous98507 said...

Hey, ArthurH! Get your jollies yet?

Spinnaker said...

When I first started reading the comments of Steve and Missy Genson, I thought (hoped) that I'd finally found some intelligent conservatives with whom I could disagree, and we'd learn from each other. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that they were as batshit crazy as SondraK.

Missy, who calls herself a "fraud investigator" when she's not cooking at the family restaurant, actually bought into all of Sondra's lunatic ravings.

Spinnaker said...

I wonder if, this time, I'll finally hear from Sondra's lawyer.

Kardnos said...

I sent an email to George LeMasuer (sp...I don't give a shit) voicing my pleasure at not being a participant on his online edition, yet he can't seem to control his readers.

Remember kids? I was supposed to be the solution to their problems.

Kardnos said...

I'm amused that there were 500 comments on a story about Ramtha.

I can't give her 5 minutes of my mind.

She is one step above Ann Colture on my "ignore completely" list.

a real winer said...

Hate to say it, spinnaker, she-who likes you, enough to give you some really special attention.

As for the Gensons, oh dear, well, just bless their hearts.

Anonymous98507 said...

Yeah, "just bless their hearts".... after all, they do live in the "south" of the county. [sarcasm off]