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Sunday, March 2, 2014

"I hate it when politics, as it usually does, ends up being about false advertising"

How come the politicians aren't worthy of politics?
By Jack Spillane, March 2, 2014


OK, so don't smirk if you're not a politics nerd, but I really have been wondering whether they'll ever get the smoking gun on Chris Christie in the George Washington Bridge scandal?

Why do I care about the round man, and whether they can prove he knew his capos were closing down the busiest bridge in the world in order to muscle New Jersey's Democratic mayors?

Well, because the Washington insiders have anointed Mr. Christie as the great moderate GOP hope for president in 2016. Moderate and Republican strikes me as an oxymoron in this day and age — I really don't see anyone on the horizon of the true moderate ilk of Nelson Rockefeller or even former Bay State governor Frank Sargent for that matter.

Maybe it's just me.

But the guy with the great alliterative name strikes me as a bully — the kind of smart guy who would embarrass his enemies in a crowd. You know, like high school but on a national scale.

So I'm not all that interested in the terror of Trenton leading the free world.

There I've said it. I'm too liberal for Chris Christie. There must be no hope for the GOP moderates with me.


I'm all for making campaign promises — whether it's Obama promising to close Guantanamo or Deval Patrick promising commuter rail by 2016 or Rebeiro promising to rid New Bedford of the 44 percent council pay raise with automatic cost-of-living increases.

But call me unreasonable but I'm pretty much against politicians forgetting about their promises after they're elected.

Or putting them on the back burner. I don't know, it kind of seems like false advertising to me.

You know, I love politics. Because it's about stuff that really matters. Stuff that affects all of our lives and all that.

But I hate it when politics, as it usually does, ends up being about false advertising. Sort of the way used car salesmen operate or the guys selling you the latest veggie chopper on cable TV.

Because politics should be about changing things, or making things right or better. And all that good stuff that we all love.

Has anyone told the politicians that's what it's about?

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