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Sunday, November 1, 2015

OK, Ryan, you can't name anything "the country will be impressed with", so how about something that we WON'T be impressed with?

Paul Ryan Asked To Name One Thing He Can Accomplish In The Next 6 Months, Can’t Come Up With Answer
By Judd Legum, November 1, 2015

Appearing on Meet The Press, newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan was directly asked by host Chuck Todd to name one thing he could accomplish in the first six months that “the country will be impressed with.”

Ryan did not answer.

Instead, Ryan went through a litany of Republican talking points. “Working families are falling behind, the economy is stale… our foreign policy is a disaster,” Ryan said.

He then retreated to even safer ground: Obamacare. “Look at the the disaster that the rollout of Obamacare is continuing to be,” the new House speaker opined, still not answering the question.

The difficulty is that, despite Ryan’s election as Speaker, the Republican Congressional delegation remains bitterly divided. Ryan will have to reckon with the House Freedom Caucus, which is pushing for an even more confrontational approach with President Obama and Democrats in Congress.

Ryan, perhaps to placate the Freedom Caucus, has already agreed to rule out bringing comprehensive immigration reform to the floor of the House. Previously, Ryan had championed comprehensive immigration reform and supported its passage. He urged former Speaker John Boehner to bring a comprehensive bill to the House floor, even if most Republicans opposed it.

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