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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is King's "continental origin" the Antarctic, the "white" continent?

Steve King: Ferguson protesters of same 'continental origin'
By CNN Political Unit, August 15, 2014

Rep. Steve King dismissed suggestions that racial profiling has played a role in clashes between police and protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, after the shooting of an unarmed teen.

In an interview on Wednesday with the conservative network Newsmax TV, the conservative Republican congressman suggested, based on video he's seen of demonstrations in the St. Louis suburb, that racial profiling isn't a factor because all of the protesters are of the same "continental origin."

"This idea of no racial profiling, I've seen the video and it looks to me like you don't need to bother with that particular factor because they all appear to be of a single origin, I should say, continental origin, might be the way to phrase that," he said in response to a question regarding calls from the Congressional Black Caucus for a Justice Department investigation into police conduct toward the protesters.

"I just reject race-based politics, identity politics," King said. "We're all God's children. We all should be held to the same standards and the same level of behavior."

King has generated controversy previously for controversial comments on other issues, like immigration.

CNN sought a comment from his office, but hasn’t received a response.

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