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Friday, August 29, 2014

The good citizens of Tempe, AZ, "... voted for equality and fairness, something the politicians we elect are supposed to protect and ensure but often do not."

Where they voted for something better than politicians
By EJ Montini, August 29, 2014

Most of the more than 700,000 Arizonans who participated in Tuesday's primary elections cast ballots for Republicans and Democrats.

In the city of Tempe, more than 11,000 residents (according to the city's latest count) did something much better. They voted for equality and fairness, something the politicians we elect are supposed to protect and ensure but often do not.

Every once in a while good citizens set them straight.

This was one of those times.

Roughly 70 percent of voters in Tempe decided on Tuesday that their community would become the first Arizona city to ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender city workers, as well as military veterans.

The measure was called Proposition 475.

It amended the city charter to read: "No person shall be appointed to, removed from, favored in any way, discriminated against with respect to any city position because of race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, familial status, age, political affiliation, disability, or United States military veteran status, except as such favor may be authorized by law."

The measure was not without opposition.

The Center for Arizona Policy, which wields considerable influence at the State Legislature was very much against the change.

Some months back Tempe's city council approved an ordinance that prohibited discrimination against the LGBT community when it comes to housing, employment and public accommodations, such as restaurants and hotels. With exceptions for churches and social organizations.

Phoenix's city council passed a similar ordinance, with similar opposition from the Center for Arizona Policy, which opposed it by using scare tactics and calling it the "bathroom bill."

The center tried that same tactic with Tempe, sending out an "action alert" to its followers that read in part:

"If you missed it, hidden in that list of protected classes are two notable additions – gender identity, and sexual orientation – that, if put into the Tempe Charter, continue the dangerous approach of elevating new supposed 'rights' for some, while at the same time trampling on the constitutionally-protected religious freedom rights for all… As a practical matter, the main reason to vote no on this bad proposition is that it will make it much more difficult to undo the 'bathroom bill' ordinance passed by the Tempe City Council earlier this year."

The fear-mongering and prejudices touted by groups like the Center for Arizona Policy will disappear within a generation. Those who spew anti-equality ideas will become public policy dinosaurs. Just like those who are trying so hard to prevent same-sex marriage.

They're on the wrong side of history and morality, as it was with those who tried to keep women and African Americans from voting. As it was with the many struggles in America when we've tried to live up to our core values.

Sometimes, good citizens (and some good politicians) must set us straight.

The city council from tiny Bisbee set the standard for Arizona communities dealing with same-sex marriage.

Years ago, Arizona became the first (and only) state to approve a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday by way of statewide vote.

Emotions and prejudices cloud perceptions about some issues, so much so that there are times when the opponents of change unwittingly make the argument for that change. That happened in Tempe with the Center for Arizona Policy.

The center's "action alert" urging voters to cast ballots against Tempe's charter change ended: "Freedom is for all Americans, and Tempe's laws shouldn't pick and choose who gets freedom and who doesn't."

Yes. Exactly.

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