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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

C'mon, Ben, don't you understand the concept of "them or us" in dire situations?

*  That's terrifying that a man would so nonchalantly admit to being okay with killing innocents before he gets into office.
*  The Republican field for the most part takes a combined Dirty Harry and Pol Pot approach to world affairs. Shoot em up, obliviate them, make the sand glow.....Makes for good theater to a base that wants simplistic and uncomplicated answers, but has no basis in reality and fails to recognize the terrible magnification of anger and hatred that only will perpetuate any number of organizations like ISIS.
*  Trump convinced me tonight that he has no business being up on that stage. Jeb Bush put him in his place and his ratings will certainly drop.
*  I watched about half of the debate until I couldn't stand it anymore. In my watching, it seems that Carson is an idiot, Trump is a clown, Paul wants to hide from the world, and the rest of them are playing the "FEAR" card.
*  Go back being a doctor, cause you ain't go to be the president, well at lease not the president of the United State of America, not with your lies, West Point, being held up at a store at gun point.
*   Ridiculous question. You cannot sanitize war. If you are not prepared for total annihilation of the enemy (including women and children) you are not prepared to go to war and should not.
CNN moderator confronts Ben Carson: Would you 'be OK with the deaths of thousands of innocent children and civilians?'
By Armin Rosen, December 15, 2015

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson cited his experience removing tumors from pediatric patients to explain why he would be willing to incur civilian causalities in the fight against ISIS.

"We're going to have to open your head up and take out this tumor," Carson said at Tuesday night's Republican debate.

Carson was responding to a question from CNN moderator Hugh Hewitt as to whether he would be ready to "order airstrikes that would kill innocent civilians" as president, recalling his presurgery meetings with younger patients.

"They're not happy about it, believe me. And they don't like me very much at that point," Carson said of meeting with his young patients. "But later on, they love me."

Hewitt then asked whether Carson would be "OK with the deaths of thousands of innocent children and civilians?"

At this point, the audience started booing.

Carson said, apparently referencing the audience: "You got it. You got it."

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