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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This heinous crime must be laid at the feet of Donald Trump!

*  He should send his hospital bill to Trump for payment.
    *  No, he should send it to Fox Whitetrash News
*  This is why Trump needs to shut the hell up. All the hate speech from him and the rest of the clown bus do not HELP; it makes crazies crazier. Those crazies are the ones who will go to jail for the mouthing off of those who as Obama says are afraid of orphans and widows.
*  ... Repubs don't consider WHITE mass shooters terrorists. They're commonly referred to as "troubled loners"
*  I'm so sorry that anyone has to go through this, the hate that Trump and his supporters create with their words and actions is nauseating to see. Trump supporters have no shame, they are just thrilled that someone has given them permission to openly show their bigotry and racism.
*  Terrorism is the use of violence as a means of achieving a goal.
Man Viciously Beaten For Being Muslim Was Aided By Loyal Customers

The onlookers helped bring the attacker to justice.

By Nadya Agrawal, December 9, 2015

Sarker Haque, 53, a store owner from Astoria, Queens, was beaten in broad daylight on Saturday by a man who reportedly told him, "I'll kill Muslims."

A customer who did not wish to be identified witnessed the assault and rushed forward and pinned down the attacker, a man identified later as Piro Kolvani. Another customer called the police, who arrived and arrested Kolvani.

Haque was rushed to Mount Sinnai hospital to receive treatment for his dislocated hand, bruises and bleeding.

Because of what Kolvani said during the assault, the NYPD is investigating the case as a hate crime.

In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks on Nov. 13, hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise. The Huffington Post has compiled a list of at least 52 incidents of Islamophobia and assaults against Muslims and mosques in North America since then.

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