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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

More Faux News conspiratorial thinking.

*  They simply have too much air time to fill.
    *  And too much air in the heads of the people filling it.
*  if this is some evil plot, planned by Hillary Clinton, did Sarah Palin plan Bristol's pregnancy to coincide with the republican convention?
*  Just more projection from FOX News. It is easy for them to believe anything if it is something that they themselves would do. 
*  How many couples space their children two years apart? Like millions. I wonder if Fox commentators check under their beds for Communists.  Oh and the evil spawn of the Clintons has two children within wedlock while the sainted Bristol has two children out of wedlock with two different fathers.
*  First of there is no such thing as a Fox News Producers! There are Faux Entertainment producers! Then the re is no Fox News! There is a Faux Entertainment division though!
*  Fox news needs to be taken off the air, they are sick sick people.
“The O’Reilly Factor” goes full conspiratorial, questions “the timing” of Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy

Hillary's campaign casted [sic] her as a "tough grandma," so it only makes sense the DNC would force Chelsea to concieve [sic]

By Scott Eric Kaufman, December 22, 2015

During a segment of “The O’Reilly Factor” Monday night devoted to what Fox News producers consider a much-needed attempt to humanize Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, guest host Eric Bolling and former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino engaged in the sort of conspiratorial thinking rational people abandoned in 1996.

Perino noted that the Clinton campaign is casting its candidate as a “tough grandma,” so news that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant again helps push that narrative.

“Is that timed out?” Bolling asked. “Did they do the math?”

“I would never suggest such a thing,” Perino said, despite having just suggested that very thing.

Bolling noted that the Democratic National Committee “timed those debates for NFL weekends and ‘Star Wars,’ so who knows? They’re good at timing on the left.”

“They have that down,” Perino replied, again saying the very thing she said she would never suggest.

Watch the conversation below via Fox News.


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