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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Chomsky believes that "'the Republican Party has drifted off the rails' and must be stopped ..."

*  Those wacko politicians represent a wacko portion of America. These people are, to put it mildly, frustrated and self-destructive. They see life moving away from "their way" and they are digging in their heels to stop change, at all costs.  Are these people willfully stupid? At times.
*  Well said! They want to rule the world and woe to anyone who stand in their way. Cruz said this in high school! The rest are demonstrating by their actions they also believe. Despite their wailing about how Christian they are, they demonstrate by their actions they are much closer to the AntiChrist. They worship at the money trough and try to step on the necks of anyone questioning their actions.
*  Again, Chomsky is absolutely right, the GOP only creates, perpetuates, or denies problems.  They have been the average citizen's, and the world's, biggest nemesis for at least the last two generations.
*  You really can't expect much from the Republican party. The majority of them are so stupid they don't know they're stupid. They've been destroying this country since  St. Ronnie Raygun was in office in the early 80's. Hell, even before then,  There are two kinds of Republicans. Millionaires and god damned fools.
*  Socialism: The radical idea of sharing.  “Have you ever wondered why Republicans are so interested in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities? It’s because volunteers work for no pay. Republicans have been trying to get people to work for no pay for a long time. ”  -George Carlin
*  Republicans are no different than gangsters. It's very easy for them to get the many Americans that are of the macho, judgemental, unforgiving mentality on their side. It's easy for anyone to think they themselves are Christian.  Self justification is always present in those that are little able to observe themselves critically with humbleness even though they sometimes can to some degree. 
Noam Chomsky: The GOP is a threat to human survival

Bernie or Hillary, these Republicans must be stopped at all cost, America's most celebrated leftist warns HuffPo

By Sarah Lazare, January 27, 2016

Renowned scholar and activist Noam Chomsky declared this week that the GOP and its far-right front-runners are “literally a serious danger to decent human survival.”

Speaking with The Huffington Post on Monday, Chomsky cited the Republican Party’s refusal to tackle—or even acknowledge—the “looming environmental catastrophe” of climate change, thereby “dooming our grandchildren.”

He went to rebuke the Republican party for its “abject service to private wealth and power” and dispossession of the poor.

But Chomsky made it clear that his conviction that “the Republican Party has drifted off the rails” and must be stopped by no means amounts to an endorsement of Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton—who he has previously criticized as hawkish and opportunistic.

In fact, he told The Huffington Post that the United States has what amounts to a one-party system—with both Democrats and Republicans united by business interests. Yet, within those parameters, he argued, small differences do matter, given the immense power of the American political system.

And Senator Bernie Sanders, Chomsky recently told Mehdi Hasan of Al Jazeera’s UpFront show, “would–of the current candidates–be the one who would have, from my point of view, the best policies.”

“I agree with him in a lot of things, not in other things,” Chomsky said, calling him “basically a new dealer.”

“I frankly think that in our system of mainly bought elections, he doesn’t have much of a chance,” he continued. However, recent polling in early primary states bodes well for Sanders, and one survey found him more electable than Clinton when matched against Trump, Cruz, or Rubio.

Whatever happens, Chomsky told Hasan, he plans to strategically vote against the GOP, which he says wants to “destroy the world.”

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