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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We do the best we can

Are you going to go tattle on me at your pathetic little commie blog again?http://thurstonblog.blogspot.c./..Maybe if you put on some pants and get out of your mother's basement, you can go earn a paycheck instead of crying about the 1 percenters all day. 
in reply to Merciful_Fate 
Only one problem "occupyabath" - Merciful_Fate isn't registered as an author for ThurstonBlog
Crawl back in your "nucular" bomb shelter and prepare for the end of the world as you know it.


sidrat38 said...

still nice to know we can ruffle a few feathers

Kardnos said...

occupyabath needs to occupyabrain

Anonymous98507 said...

occupyabath needs to *find* a brain first.