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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Yet another reason why the Iowa "experience" is premature.

*  Big deal.  Iowa is where the cream de la Republican crazies meet to choose their champion lunatic. That's why Santorum won the Iowa straw poll in 2012.  This time, though, they chose a lunatic with Koch backing:  Scott Walker.   He's a very dangerous politician for anyone who cares about the United States.
*  Got to hand it to cons, at least the descending order goes from off the wall to absolute loon.
*  Iowa only speaks for the hard core Evangelical vote - hardly a real determinant as to whom will get the GOP nomination much less national vote.  With Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, and Ben Carson in the Top Five one can easily see that Iowa is making itself a national laughingstock.  None of them stand a chance in a national forum.  Once the GOP gets past Iowa and South Carolina then the seriousness of the election will become evident, but certainly not during the "God Guts, Guns and Gravy" mentality.
Jeb Bush is already toast in Iowa: Poll

There's a new front runner in Iowa -- and it's not the expected favorite

By Salon Staff, February 1, 2015

Jeb Bush has some work to do in Iowa.

The former Florida governor, and the 2016 favorite of the GOP’s establishment and Wall Street class, is struggling in a new poll, with favorability and unfavorability numbers roughly even.

There’s also a surprising front-runner on the move. That’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, riding a wave of energy off a well-received speech last weekend at a “freedom” conference sponsored by Rep. Steve King.

And there’s bad news for Chris Christie below, who has the highest negatives of any Republican in the poll.

Here are the results of the latest Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register poll:

Scott Walker: 15 percent
Rand Paul: 14 percent
Mitt Romney: 13 percent
Mike Huckabee: 10 percent
Ben Carson: 9 percent
Jeb Bush: 8 percent
Ted Cruz: 5 percent
Rick Santorum: 4 percent
Chris Christie: 4 percent
Marco Rubio: 3 percent
Rick Perry: 3 percent
Bobby Jindal: 2 percent
Carly Fiorina: 1 percent
John Kasich: 1 percent:
Donald Trump: 1 percent

The poll was taken before Romney decided not to be a candidate in 2016. But when Romney’s supporters were allocated to their second choice, it did not give Bush a bounce. Walker, Paul, Huckabee and Carson remained the top four, while Jeb moved up from 8 percent to 9 percent.

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