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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Doomsqual's trials and tribulations

This is self-explanatory....  :-)
We should note, however, that Doomsqual was not above spamming the threads by posting the following sentence at least 39 times, sometimes multiple times in one comment: The shooter is solely and fully responsible for their actions and the deaths and injuries they caused.

doomsqual  Just now

Doomsqual is not a member of the Republican or Democrat Party. 

Doomsqual is moderate, middle of the road, and supports small government and voted for the Tea Party this past election. 

I support the State and Federal Constitution and not taking on more debt. I support law enforcement and civil rights. I support basic health care or clinics not health insurance for all people. I support unions for all people and not allowing exempt positions. 

I support reasonable and payable single pensions for all people. I support afforable housing for all people. 

I support all people working and the government helping them find work or educating them and placing them in needed jobs, I don't support welfare or cash unemployment. 

I support streamlined local, state and federal governments and merging them and their departments and agencies and reducing employees and costs.

I try not to namecall on this forum but others feel they can keep calling me right wing, left wing, liar, and some really disgusting words I can't repeat. I have tried to be very, very nice to certain people who write here and I may know in real life. My relationships because of their behavior and lies and name calling here has soured in real life.

They think it is a joke to see how far they can cross the line before their statements are removed. This weekend some of their statements went to far and I was forced to consult a lawyer for my own safety and to protect my rights. A report has been filed and given to federal authorities on the advice of my lawyer. I will say again, i appreciate this forum to speak my comments. 

Lastly, the shooter is fully responsible for their behavior and the use of the gun they legally owned to shoot and kill and hurt many people. I feel that it is important to write this as i don't want anyone or group or commentor or me helpd responsible for something they or we did not do. 

The shooter is solely and fully responsible for their actions and should be tried for their crimes that they committed. It is a very sad event and should not have happened.

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I listen to the self - described liberal talk show on the a.m. dial as well as watch msnbc and they all call the conservatives and tea party members all kinds of names and slurs and threats.

After making a list of one show in the morning on the radio I contacted federal authorities and, it seems others also did, and we got one particular person removed from the air and forced the station owner to remove and make over the commentor list. They are going back to the intensive name calling again and a monitoring group I support is making more complaints.

The simple fact is that the Right and Left have powerful media commentors who name call and make threats. They do it to retain audience and make money.

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PAX1 WROTE: .Just shut down "doom" and a few other whacked-out right-wingers and it will go far in meeting your goal. END QUOTE.

PAX1 calls people names.
whacked-out right-wingers
whacked-out right-wingers
whacked-out right-wingers
whacked-out right-wingers
whacked-out right-wingers.

Doomsqual is not a member of the Republican or Democrat Party.

Doomsqual is moderate, middle of the road, and supports small government and voted for the Tea Party this past election.

I support the State and Federal Constitution and not taking on more debt. I support law enforcement and civil rights.

I support basic health care or clinics not health insurance for all people. I support unions for all people and not allowing exempt positions.

I support reasonable and payable pensions for all people.

I support afforable housing for all people.

I support all people working and the government helping them find work or educating them and placing them in needed jobs, I don't support welfare or cash unemployment or multiple pensons.

I support streamlined local governments and merging them and their departments.

I could go on.

PAX1 does not speak for me or my beliefs.

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LostOnAnIsland said...

“A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture.”

-Abraham J. Heschel

Kardnos said...

"I listen to the self - described liberal talk show on the a.m. dial as well as watch msnbc and they all call the conservatives and tea party members all kinds of names and slurs and threats."

I'm a pretty avid MSNBC watcher and progressive talk radio listener and have yet to hear one threat issued on either station.

After reading Doom's "manuscript" I'm going to keep my eyes on my back to see if there is a target or crosshairs on it.

Anonymous98507 said...

Posted today in response to doom...

caiaphas Today 06:24 AM in reply to doomsqual

WOW! Even more interesting. Mr. Doomsqual is still defending the nut Jared Lee Loughner. Mr. Doomsqual can not bring himself to say that Mr. Loughner is mentally troubled, and at the same time he is not condemning Mr. Loughner's actions rather Mr. Doomsqual states, "the shooter is fully responsible for his actions."

Mr. Doomsqual is not condemning Mr. Loughner's laundry list of actions; however, Mr. Doomsqual is defending Mr. Loughner's actions by associating them with other groups as listed below.

In essence Mr. Doomsqual is wanting to have his cake and eat it too in not condemning but not outright supporting Mr. Loughner directly.

Disclaimer: No elected officials were harmed or threatened in the making of this post...but Barney Frank insisted on an "enhanced pat down" from me. :) (yes, the disclaimer is a joke. I had to go through airport security yesterday.)

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