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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hypocrite much? Let's all keep this in mind!

*  Please, everybody that has the opportunity, make this fact known everywhere this shit has to be exposed. . .two faced bastards. ! sorry but this should not get buried in the muck out there.  [Ed.: consider it done!]
*  Wall St. likes the ACA as shown by the pop in health-care stocks as soon as last week's SCOTUS decision came out.  Pro-business politicians may talk a good anti-ACA line, to satisfy the ideologues, but it doesn't surprise me that they're perfectly content to make money off it.
*  I'm tellin' ya... they've been trying to back away from repeal for a long while.  But the crazy base hasn't let them.  That crazy base now has a different shiny object to distract them:  marriage equality.  I don't think it'll work as well as "death panels" but what do I know?  When I first heard "death panels" I laughed til I cried, but I was crying again a year later when they won the house.  There's no way of telling how much crazy they can rile up. 
*  Riddle me this: how does Bush get by on a nickname?  When I saw the cartoon in DailyKOS that pointed out Jeb?s name is really John Ellis, it looked it up for confirmation.  Sure enough, his name is John Ellis Bush.  Not Jeb or Jeb! or Jeb#.  Has there ever been a presidential candidate that pretended a nickname was his real name?  and was accepted by the press as such (doesn't NY Times copy desk have a rule about nicknames etc?)?  [snipped] But I do not recall ever seeing any news report, story or article that accurately identified him as John Ellis Bush.  Of course, I could easily have missed it since I have little to no interest in reading anything about him or his bogus policies - unless it is a indictment for his shady business deals.  Like his brother, John Ellis affects the nickname to distance himself for his patriarchal east coast heritage.  A way to disguise his true nature as a blue blood, ivy league son of private school privilege that gets away playing by a different rule book than the one he so vigorously proposes for everyone else. 
Jeb! trashes Obamacare in public, but privately made a cool half million off it
By Kerry Eleveld, July 1, 2015

Jeb! has called Obamacare "flawed to its core" on several occasions, but apparently it wasn't too flawed for him to make a handsome profit from. Josh Barro reports.
According to tax returns released by Mr. Bush’s campaign on Tuesday, he sold $1,103,424 worth of stock in Tenet Healthcare in September and October of 2013, yielding a capital gain of $556,283. It hadn’t taken Mr. Bush long to double his money — he was selling shares he had acquired in 2010 and 2011.[...]

Mr. Bush served as a director of Tenet from 2007 to 2014, and like other directors, he was required as a condition of his employment to hold a significant investment in Tenet.

Mr. Bush’s tax returns reflect a gain of 105 percent on Tenet stock he acquired in May 2011 and sold in October 2013. Tenet shares actually gained 68 percent over that period; Mr. Bush’s higher gain may be related to his receipt of restricted stock grants. Still, Tenet’s 68 percent gain was much stronger than the 26 percent overall gain for the S.&P. 500 index over the same period.
And why did Tenet's stocks outperform other stocks? Because investors anticipated that Obamacare would make hospitals more profitable, with increased usage and fewer payment defaults by uninsured patients.

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