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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Change in Olympian's Disqus format

Wow, the good ol' Olympian has jumped in with both feet and has changed the format for commenting with no forewarning that I'm aware of.  Now we have the option of clicking on the equivalent of a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" or replying-- no longer do we have the "Report Abuse" function. [EDIT: however, there is a "flag as inappropriate" down arrow to the right, visible only when you mouse over the entry.]   Since we haven't gotten any explanations by Olympian staff, I don't know whether or not a set accumulation of "thumbs down" will trigger the disappearances of comments.  Oh, and the comments aren't divided into pages now, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous98507 said...

Furthermore, if there aren't any previous comments you can reply to, there doesn't seem to be any method for posting a new one. There's a box for entering text but nothing obvious for posting the comment.