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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Damned fool commenters

Some of the commenters on some of The Olympian’s articles have done it yet again.  They posted so many nasty comments on the stories about Troy Fisher that the moderators finally closed commenting on two articles and deleted the existing comments.  At least one newly-established poster posted 64 comments (according to “southsoundeditor”) that were IMO utterly without any redeeming features; “southsoundeditor” blacklisted that person.  Of course, a new ID was established, and he/she started posting in the same vein as under the previous ID (fortunately it was wiped out by the deletion of all the comments).

It’s damned fools like that who are forcing The Olympian (and the News Tribune) to change or contemplate changing commenting formats.  If commenters don’t behave better, we soon won’t be able to post comments at all.

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