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Saturday, August 29, 2015

"We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in ..." Aw, geez, what are you, Christie, the reincarnation of Hitler?

*  I know we could tatoo bar codes on the immigrant's forearms. Wait a minute that was done in the past wasn't it. Never mind.
    *  Or he can have everyone that is a citizen put a mark on their foreheads.  Oh and you can only buy food, drive a car or get medical treatment with Christie's mark. I am sure all the Christians are ready for that.  I know I have read Christie's plan in some old book. Hmmm.
*  Heck, why don't you shave their heads and tattoo a bar code on the back of their neck while you're at it. Just more distraction from the do-nothing party.  Also, will this policy be applied to all immigrants, or just the ones from south of the border?
*  another "oh oh how can I get more press than Trump" condidate.
*  Unbelievable... Republicans have lost their minds. It is now acceptable to say anything with impunity. Can this bunch go any lower?
*  Not to get all slippery and slopey here, but all of these plans to "halt" illegal immigration are just beginning to sound like the beginning of the holocaust.
Chris Christie Wants To Track Immigrants Like FedEx Packages

"We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in."

By Sam Levine, August 29, 2015

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) on Saturday revealed a plan to curb unauthorized immigration: track anyone who enters the country from the time they receive their visa, like a FedEx package.

At a New Hampshire town hall, the presidential hopeful lamented that 40 percent of the undocumented immigrants in the United States entered on legal visas that they had overstayed.

"So here's what I'm gonna do if I'm president. I'm gonna ask Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx, come work for the governor for three months. Just come for three months to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and show these people," Christie said, drawing laughter from the crowd.

"We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in," he continued. "And then when your time is up...then we go get you. Tap you on the shoulder and say excuse me, thanks for coming, time to go."

Christie's campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.

FedEx uses barcode technology and unique tracking numbers to keep track of shipments, with each package scanned an average of 13 times between dropoff and delivery, said FedEx spokeswoman Jennifer Caccavo. She declined to comment on Christie's plan.

Earlier this month, Christie called for a re-examination of birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants born on United States soil.

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