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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I think Cruz needs to invest more in his own education.

*  Doesn't matter. Mr Cruz doesn't mean it anyway. He's branding, like Trump
*  And the full blown crazies in the republican party continues
*  Trump had his own Perry moment too, Saying how bad the new eastern trade agreement would be for the USA and how it favored China, Rand Paul then informed ab embarrassed Trump that the agreement excluded China and provided to strengthen the other pacific rim countries
    *  Made the circus worth watching. Also loved his take down of Rubio.
*  Sad these guys are running on basically doing as much damage to the country as is humanly possible while making sure the 1% remains untouched.
*  We've had lots of evidence to demonstrate that the GOP loves cuts to education. They are working on a dumbed down generation of young people . And for those young victims, there goes their enhanced quality of life; the opportunity for better and skilled jobs , and a chance to bring more of their own monies to the economy and to upgrade their families as well. 
We're letting the other developed countries soar ahead of us with their affordable, up to date education for their youth. Just another reason the international news media so often mentions our " dysfunctional congress" and some of our "obnoxious" GOP candidates by name. Trump and Cruz come up frequently.
Ted Cruz Has His Own Oops Moment

Paging Rick Perry...

By Igor Bobic, November 10, 2015

Call it a Texan curse.

While making his case for cutting the size of government at Tuesday's Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had a bit of a Rick Perry "oops" moment.

Four years earlier, in November 2011, the former governor of Texas committed the biggest fumble of his presidential campaign when he failed to name the third agency of government he would eliminate if he were to become president. "Oops," he conceded onstage, essentially ending his chances in the race for the White House.

On Tuesday night in Milwaukee, Cruz said he would shut down five agencies -- but actually listed only four. The senator named the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and, once more, the Department of Commerce.

The forgotten agency he would actually eliminate? The Department of Education, according to his campaign website.

See the latest updates on the GOP debate here.

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