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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Like grandfather, like grandson.

*  So, being a draft-dodger is hereditary?
*  haha. didn't trump dodge the draft?
*  illegal immigration is NOT the no.1 problem in this country. by a long stretch. sheesh  the no. 1 problem in this country is people not understanding that their own ignorance is the no. 1 problem.
*  History is ironic. But right-wingers don't understand irony - which is why you actually see Trump fans here who read this story, and wring the moral from it that "Germany takes illegal immigration seriously as a problem while America rewards it."
*  Can you name a government which does find draft-dodging a laughing matter?
*  When Donald Trump’s doctor released the Republican front runner’s medical report it caused quite a stir. Not only is Trump’s health exceptional, Dr. Harold N. Bornstein opined that “If elected, Mr. Trump … would be the healthiest individual ever elected to the Presidency.”  The doctor is not alone in his confidence of Trump’s robust fitness. The candidate himself went so far as to correctly predict his medical report would show “perfection“.  So how is it possible that someone so healthy, who was a star student athlete and who ACCORDING TO DONALD TRUMP has never even had the flu suddenly on September 17th 1968 had disqualifying medical issues when the Vietnam War rolled around?  What bad luck bestowed our Donald that day when the military, so desperate to find young to send into war, had to turn away someone so genetically and physically superior?  Perhaps Trump can have Dr. Bornstein scribble us a little note about that medical mystery.  The problem with Donald is that his vanity prevents him from simply telling what is probably the TRUTH about his Draft situation. When asked about the Draft in a 2011 interview Donald Said: "I was going to the Wharton School of Finance. And I was watching as they did the draft numbers and I got a very, very high number and those numbers [they] never got up to.”  Problem is that the Draft Lottery occurred in Dec 1969. Donald Graduated from Wharton in June of 1968 a year and half before the lottery ever took place. He wasnt even there when the draft lottery took place. He was reclassified after his graduation in 1968 to 1-A... In Sept 1968 on the 17th he went for a draft physical classified 1-A (available for service). In other words folks Trump was ONE passed physical away from being drafted. Trump walked out of the physical and three weeks later he was reclassified 1-Y which was a medical deferment classification that guaranteed he would NEVER be drafted. The draft lottery was completely irrelevant. He was already exempt. WHAT HAPPENED at that physical Mr Trump. and why is it so difficult for you to just simply tell the truth about it sir.
Donald Trump’s Grandpa Drumpf was Deported from Germany (His Home Country!) for Illegal Immigration
By Grant Stern, June 11, 2016

You just cannot make this up. Donald Trump’s grandfather Fredrich Drumpf illegally immigrated and was deported from his home country — back to America, which is how we became blessed with the orange-faced one’s antics. Well played Germany!

Not only is the nativist Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump descended from an immigrant mother whose native tongue wasn’t english, his German grandfather from Kallstadt was a draft dodger just like the candidate.

The Daily Beast explains:
Frederich worked for a brief time as a barber in New York and then headed to Canada for the Klondike Gold Rush. There he ran what has been variously described as a restaurant and a whorehouse. He then returned with his fortune to Kallstadt, where he married a young woman named Elizabeth Christ who grew up across the street.

The bride in particular had no desire to leave their hometown. They might well have stayed there had German authorities not observed that Fredrick had departed the fatherland just before he was to have begun compulsory military service and returned just after he aged out.

Frederich became that very rare person who is deported from his own country.
Even the New York Times blew their fact check in this detailed 8-page feature story, instead saying that Trump was in fact Swedish back in 1984.

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