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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hate Blog???

At least, that's what "Radec" is calling us these days. It of the blog that is named after an imaginary third-world country.

And an amusing side-note about the moderation at the Olympian -- have you noticed that you can still "like" a comment after it has been deleted? I do that all the time, no matter who posted, just so Tammy will wonder.


Kardnos said...

I think a hate blog is one that uses the image of a little girl in abusive situations.

The hate blog in question once used the little girl's image and depicted her as someone who would assault others.

Anonymous98507 said...

Spinnaker, I also had noticed that "like" could be marked on the deleted messages but hadn't thought to do it just to annoy Ms. McGee. Goody! Thanks for the suggestion-- another fun game! Bwaahahahaha.... waggling fingers at Tammy!

Anon_the_Great said...

Poor radec.