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Thursday, March 10, 2011

She-Who must be on the downside-- she posted another incomprehensible bit of idiocy

  • my_left_foot
    Only crack pots would call taxing some more than others and some not at all as "un fair" only because those supporting those who contribute nothing should pay more.

  • bishpa
    Say what?

  • rrrr
    Given that I almost certainly pay more in taxes in a year than your family makes in a year, I'm glad to hear that you're willing to pay more so that I can pay less.

    Thank you, for being willing to pay for a good size chunk of my next big purchase.

  • my_left_foot
    I don't care what you do with your money.

  • rrrr
    ...and I don't care what you do with yours, but felt it only right to thank you for working to lower my taxes while raising yours.

    Thanks again.

  • Read more:


    Anon_the_Great said...

    This phenomena of poor white trash arguing in support of their Overseers reminds me of Cargo Cultism. They thi9nk if they continue to chant "Free Market, Free Market' the Uber Rich will rain down goodies on them. It is blind faith in a world they do not understand.

    a real winer said...

    There is almost a willful lack of awareness of the bigger picture. People believe what they want to believe.

    xyzzy said...

    yes, indeed they do