I guess that being a Republican propagandist means never admitting when you're wrong.
in reply to glenn
I guess that being a Republican propagandist means never admitting when you're wrong.
in reply to glenn
This from "Anonymii" was posted but quickly disappeared:
Cedar, you do know, don't you, that "boltcutters" is S.....K's latest name?
in reply to cedar100
So much focus on me and my personal relationships tells me that you should probably be spending more time focusing on your own.
So much focus on me and my personal relationships tells me that you should probably be spending more time focusing on your own.
Just sayin'.
in reply to cedar100
in reply to cedar100
Your "free speech" is simply an argument for smothering candidates with corporate dollars. The word "obscenity" is more applicable than "free speech."
in reply to boltcutters
Your "free speech" is simply an argument for smothering candidates with corporate dollars. The word "obscenity" is more applicable than "free speech."
in reply to boltcutters
I thank God you and those like you don't get to choose which speech deserves freedom.
in reply to cedar
I thank God you and those like you don't get to choose which speech deserves freedom.
in reply to cedar
Read more:
Argument for the sake of arguing.
I thank God you and those like you don't get to choose which speech deserves freedom."
Says she who stifles freedom of speech on her website.
... and for the sake of calling attention to oneself, e.g. I'm not your problem, your life is not my problem, blah blah blah me blah blah I blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum
What do you expect from an attention whore?
Solet's not give her attention
Well, at least she is staying out of the News Tribune. I've gone and done it.
Good job, Larry..
You'd think that, once it created its imaginary third-world country, it would be content with its iron-handed rule there.
But wait! Maybe even the inhabitants of imaginary third-world countries are rebelling! Do you think it is back at the Olympian seeking sanctuary?
Why is it that Olyblog and it's blog can and do deny access through IP addresses while the Olympian does not? Oh yeah, because they don't care a rat's rusty fuck about their comments section.
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