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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is it just me, or is the proofreading at the O getting lacksidasical?

This from the story of Evergreens new moss study....

"About 70 senior citizens gathered to exercise, drink coffee and chat in informal groups while outside, the wind and rain battered the building."

Read more:

Now, were the seniors drinking and chatting outside? Or should the sentence read..

"About 70 senior citizens gathered to exercise, drink coffee and chat in informal groups, while outside, the wind and rain battered the building."



Anonymous98507 said...

The Zero has had "zero" proofreading for many years. The so-called reporters don't know how to write/spell in the first place and therefore don't even recognize that they've screwed up. It would take an external proofreader to get them on the right path, but the paper isn't about to pay for that!

Spinnaker said...

If a spell-checker doesn't catch it, nobody does.

sidrat38 said...

Somebody must have seen my comment..

They changed it.