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Monday, March 14, 2011

She lives for ThurstonBlog

mrenchirito says:
I have Judas so flustered he's already posting about me on other websites, LOL!

Read more:


Spinnaker said...

On the Olympian yesterday, she made a comment about not watching a certain right-wing news channel because she doesn't own a TV. I responded by noting that she probably watched on her computer, when she's not stalking you.

Within 20 minutes, my comment was wiped from the system; not even a "comment deleted," but completely erased. I'm wondering whether she has the ability to hack into the Olympian's system to do this herself.

Kardnos said...

Spinnaker - nope.

If the next President of the United States was named "Larry", they wouldn't cover any news about him. My name is a no-no on The Olympian

As to not owning a TV, I don't doubt that. She would actually have access to real news that hadn't been filtered by a right wing blogger first.

Yet.....she knows everything that is said on TV. Now how can you not own a TV but know everything that is said?


Kardnos said...

I should add that, according to certain employees of The Olympian, I am the problem with all of their comments forums, even though I haven't commented on them in months.

I got an email from the Publisher due to one of my editorial opinions on ThurstonBlog suggesting that we needed to "discuss" things. I told him I'm disgusted with discussing. They have created a journalistic hell for themselves and I'm perfectly content to let them live in it.

Meanwhile, go to The News Tribune and try to use the word "radec" on a comment and see what happens.

There are some people who KNOW how to handle abusers.