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Thursday, January 26, 2012

A patriotic voter is quoted saying....

"They’re making me actually Show Up at that disease-ridden ‘tard corral that is jury duty, tomorrow. f@$^inghell."

Now, guess which local blog this quote came from.

It might be fun to hang out near the courthouse.....


Anonymous98507 said...

Hmmmmm, should we alert the courthouse personnel that they will have to fumigate the place after She-Who appears there?

xyzzy said...

Who could possibly belong in a "'tard corral" more than she does?

sidrat38 said...

So let me get this straight..The person who whines and bitches about their rights won't do their duty to this country that all those men and women died for...

..why am I not surprised???

Anonymous98507 said...

And isn't she the one who bragged about standing on the "Freedom Bridge" up by JBLM, saluting the soldiers?

a real winer said...

My deepest sympathy to the other poor souls assigned to jury duty w/ her, and also to whatever defendent(s) might have the misfortune to have her as one of their jurors. A sad situation all the way around.

a real winer said...

*defendants (my bad)