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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"As long as politicians are primarily focused on getting re-elected rather than serving the electorate, things will continue to deteriorate."

Letter: Dirty money
By Sol Solomon (Concord, NH), November 8, 2014

The Koch Brothers and their ilk are smiling, having bought the midterm elections. Their $4 billion tab to influence the 471 contested seats in the House and Senate comes to $8.5 million per seat.

Thankfully, the onslaught of money was not as effective in New Hampshire. The flood of money has obscured the single most important issue facing the country: the flood of money. Thanks to the Supreme Court, the corrupt influence of money in politics has reached beyond the imagination of even the worst banana republic. As long as big business buys and sells Congressional seats, fills Washington with lobbyists who have unlimited budgets, and makes laws that benefit business rather than people, the revolving door between government and business will remain wide open.

As long as politicians are primarily focused on getting re-elected rather than serving the electorate, things will continue to deteriorate.

All this money persuaded much of the public to blame President Obama and the Democrats for the horrible gridlock in Washington, despite the fact it’s the Republicans who created it. They vowed from the first day Obama took office they would defeat every piece of legislation he offered. It’s hard to believe the blatantly racist policies behind the Republican position have now won them a majority in Congress.

With so many pressing issues weighing on society, it’s hard to believe that things need to get any worse before they turn around, but that appears to the case once again.

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