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Thursday, November 20, 2014

At least one good thing will come out of the Republicans taking over the Senate.

Senate to work longer under GOP control next year
By Andrew Taylor, November 20, 2014

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is sending a stern signal to senators used to long weekends and frequent vacations: The Senate is going to work longer hours under GOP control next year.

The chamber hasn't held votes on a Friday all year, but it will do so next year. Vacations will be less frequent and the venerated August recess will only last four weeks instead of five.

That may be a shock to the system for senators used to racing to Reagan National Airport on Thursday afternoons for flights home. But McConnell is intent on seeing the Senate return to open debate and amendment, and that requires working longer.

"It's time the Senate got to work," McConnell said in a brief hallway interview.

Scheduling votes on Fridays means the Senate might return to its tradition of working late into Thursday night to wrap up legislation. That was a favorite tactic of former leaders like Sens. Bob Dole, R-Kan., and Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.

"Whatever it takes," McConnell said.

This year, Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., often let senators go home by midafternoon on Thursdays. Some observers noted that the practice permitted senators in competitive election races to catch the last available flight home.

The House can process legislation far more efficiently, and it will stick to a four-day work week next year.

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