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Saturday, March 7, 2015

OK, O'Reilly is a "commentator".... but shouldn't he still be telling the truth?

*  If it's on the TV and you believe it. Your sanity is in question.
*  I can't believe how partisan views can be applied to this story but I shouldn't be surprised. There are comments that bring up Bush, Obama, Rumsfeld, Clinton, and the juvenile name calling like libtard etc. Williams lied and O'Reilly lied, both to make themselves appear more important than they are. There is no excuse for either of their actions.
*  It's an established fact that people seek out the news and commentary source(s) most likely to reinforce the beliefs they already have. Fortunately, there are also folks who like to hear the other side as well, and consult a number of sources for alternative views. Which group, dear readers, do you fall into???
Bill Maher Blasts Media’s Easy Treatment of ‘Blatant, Bald-Assed Liar’ Bill O’Reilly
By Jordan Chariton, March 7, 2015

Bill Maher expressed his anger Friday at the media’s unequal coverage of the multiple exaggerations and questionable stories Bill O’Reilly‘s told over the years compared to the Brian Williams controversy.

Maher went through the list of stories that’ve come out in the last few weeks where O’Reilly’s statements have been countered by his former colleagues, and in one case, an audio tape.

“These are out and out lies—now I understand why Fox News backs him because they’re not really a news service,” Maher said. “But why isn’t the mainstream media going after him with the same ferocity—the supposedly liberal media—as they did Brian Williams?” Maher asked.

Maher’s panel answered O’Reilly making things up isn’t really a news story since nobody thinks he’s telling the truth at all times, but Maher remained indignant.

“There is no grey area here,” Maher concluded, saying there’s proof O’Reilly wasn’t on the doorstep of Lee Harvey Oswald associate Georgede Mohrenschild when he committed suicide, nor reported from the Falklands war combat zone, as he said he did.

As TheWrap reported, the media has covered the Williams vs. O’Reilly scandals far differently, with many analysts citing O’Reilly’s commentator status as creating a lower bar for him to have his accounts based on 100 percent fact.

Watch the video below:


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