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Monday, January 11, 2016

"It's time for him to prove just how smart he is, or isn't. Let's see the grades."

*  It is interesting thatr the right wingers wanting to see all of Obama's transcripts back to kindergarten don't care if trump hides his transcripts. Why it is germaine is that trump says he went to the Wharton School but there isn't a photo of Donald trump in the yearbook for the year he says he went there. Just interesting though.
*  I find it fascinating how people brag about their academic accomplishments, but aren't willing to show the papers the accomplishments are printed on, but hey does it really matter, since a hundred years from now very few of us will even be here. It's all just something to do while you're here isn't it? I guess without the all the drama, we'd be bored on this physical vacation.
   *  It matters because, if he lies about something as seemingly unremarkable as his educational transcripts - as, indeed, he has lied about sooo many things - how would he behave as the leader of a world power?
*  He has the money to falsify his transcript's.
*  Knocking President Obama's grades? Someone should tell those who do so that you don't become president of The Harvard Law Review, arguably the most prestigious and certainlly the oldest law school publication in the country, with anything other than STELLAR grades.
*  More telling: his 'bone spurs' that got him out of Vietnam. Problem is bone spurs don't spontaneously regress. So, XRAYs would reveal whether he has them.  Likely truth is that many wealthy people bought their way out of service. If his current doctor is anything like the others, then they would write anything Daddy wanted him too.  Finally, note Trump goes home every night. Why? My guess is that he has to have his hair done every morning.
Is This Why Trump Won't Release His College Transcripts?
By Andy Ostroy, January 11, 2016


"I went to the Wharton School of Business," Donald Trump routinely brags at his campaign rallies. "I'm, like, a really smart person."

And I'm, like, really? We don't believe you. We think you're full of it, just like you grossly exaggerate and lie about virtually everything else pertaining to your personal and professional life (note the Politifact study illustrating he tells the truth just 1% of the time).

On paper, Trump's educational background appears impressive. He first attended Fordham University and then transferred in 1966 to the real estate studies program at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree.

But contrary to his self-aggrandizing over-the-top embellishing, Trump's two years at the prestigious business school, from all public accounts, seem mediocre at best. His fellow students have no recollection of him. No Dean's List, no Honor Roll, no notable extra-curricular accomplishments. A completely unmemorable academic existence, including continuing rumors that his grades were unimpressive.

So is the Republican front-runner--the man who questions President Obama and Sen. Ted Cruz's citizenship, and who calls everyone in government "stupid," an academic fraud? Is his self-purported "smarts" as mythical as the Muslims he claims were dancing in the streets following the 9/11 attacks?

The "Transcripter" movement demands that Trump release his full Fordham and Wharton transcripts. It's time for him to prove just how smart he is, or isn't. Let's see the grades. I suspect his GPA never cracked 3.0, which is why the transcripts remain a hidden mystery.

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