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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ted Cruz doesn't know what "carpet bombing" is, but he's all for it anyway.

*  Like most fake-patriot assholes who don't think that it is worth their time to actually serve the nation, Cruz doesn't understand military terminology.  Like all fake-patriots, he thinks that owning a AR-15 is the same as serving in the military.  Cruz wouldn't last 10 minutes in the Army before his own soldiers "accidentally" shot him in the back.
*  Cruz and Trump also rely upon the ignor-ance of their supporters who are not impressed with the facts. Partisan opinions are what matters to them. If Obama says something, reguardless the subject, they are against it, even if they were for it before.
*  Ignorance is dangerous. Don't vote for Republicans.
*  Cruz scares me more than an ISIS recruiter.
*  What is hilarious is that almost everything that Tu.rd Cruze he would do, Obama is already doing including the precision "carpet" bombing that Tu.rd is referring to.
*  Everything that comes out of Cruz's mouth is caluculated. He doesn't care if he is misuisng the term "carpet bombing." All he cares about is pandering to the intellectually incurious, uneducated, shallow-as-a-petrie-dish people who think video games are accurate depictions of war.
*  ...this smarmy fake little man's answer is to bomb, destroy and tear everything up. Reagan is rolling over in his grave at what his party has become.
Ted Cruz Does Not Understand What 'Carpet Bombing' Means
But he's still really into it, whatever it is.
By Zach Carter, January 17, 2016

Ted Cruz on Sunday stood by his claim that the U.S. should "carpet bomb" the Islamic State group out of existence and falsely stated that the George H.W. Bush administration carpet bombed Iraq during the first Gulf War.

"You wanna know what carpet bombing means?" Cruz said, invoking the first Iraq War in 1991. "We were launching 1100 air attacks a day. We were carpet bombing." As a result of this bombing campaign, Cruz said, U.S. troops "mopped up the remains of the Iraqi army" with ease.

The United States did not carpet bomb Iraq or Kuwait during the 1991 Gulf War. The airstrikes were highly targeted and thus highly effective, as military experts told The New York Times. "Carpet bombing" is not even a term used by the American military. But it is generally understood to be the indiscriminate bombing of large geographic areas without regard for potential civilian casualties.

Cruz has been repeatedly mocked by military leaders, human rights advocates and even fellow conservatives for pledging to "carpet bomb" ISIS. During the GOP debate Thursday, he acknowledged that he would not actually bomb entire cities to take out ISIS members embedded within them, but rather target bombing campaigns against key elements of the ISIS militants. That is essentially the Obama administration's strategy.

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