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Saturday, August 13, 2016

"All this talk of gloom and doom is simply wrong. It is time to be upbeat about America, for there is nothing wrong with our nation that cannot be cured by what is right with our nation."

A comment that deserves its own space:

By Kevin Oge · 

Let's not kid ourselves, folks. Donald Trump is no outsider. You can't be a multi-millionaire or a billionaire by being an outsider from Wall Street and the investor class, the big banks and financial institutions, people with financial capital and influence, or even good political connections. Who you know is as important, if not more so, than what you know. He wasn’t born poor or middle class. He was born to wealth and privilege that most of us will never have. He wasn’t “self made” or some “rugged individualist” either. There is no such thing, contrary to popular American mythology. Business and investing are always the result of team effort. No one can do it alone. He was given money by his millionaire real estate investor father, Fred Trump, to get started. 

He is no real populist either. Real populism and capitalism are true enemies. This attempt to pretend populism is an act. Trump is an elitist. All men and women of great wealth and power are. And if one thinks he isn't establishment, guess what? He is. He has to be to be who is and be in the position he is. You can't be in a position of great wealth and power and not be Establishment or well connected to the Establishment, politically or financially. Trump’s “reality show” run for the Presidency masks who he is to those he is appealing to…people of little education or wealth with little future in front of them, regardless of who gets elected. He is either part of the Establishment or well connected to it. That is reality.

His campaign is based not on hope and change, but fear and dread. And even if he did win, what will change for those who placed their false hopes in him? Nothing will. Their lives will be exactly the same, as always, if not worse, with little chance at any improvement for them, their kids, or their grandkids. No change for the better. And it will be back to business as usual in Washington. 

So, still think Donald Trump is some “God-sent” Savior of the average American Joe and Jane? I think time and reality will prove he is not. And all those who trust in him will be left once again holding the bag. 

By every measure of human well-being, today is the best time to be alive on Earth. More nations are freer, the trend Is toward a less violent world with fewer wars, people overall are wealthier, healthier, have more access to health care, are better educated, teen birth rates are at record lows, unemployment is under 5%, and technology is truly amazing. All this talk of gloom and doom is simply wrong. It is time to be upbeat about America, for there is nothing wrong with our nation that cannot be cured by what is right with our nation. We already are great and have been for 240 straight years. America headed in the wrong direction? That is simply nonsense. America is not a dark place. America is the best, most wonderful place on planet Earth to be. People are clamoring to get in, not get out. Tough talk, “Law and Order” blowhard rambling is simply hot air, not substance, and authoritarianism will solve nothing. Mr. Trump needs to realize America isn’t Russia or China, and we will not live under a dictatorship or one-man rule, and he alone cannot solve any of today’s challenges. we are a Constitutional Federal Republic, not a banana republic. We need a real leader and statesman, not another Vladimir Putin or Xi Xinping. Time for the American people to get informed, get involved, get into action, and get out the vote, and send this would-be despot back to Trump Tower. He can play God or dictator there, but not in Washington, not with our free Republic. The only thing that allows evil to triumph is for good men to do or say nothing. We won’t allow that to happen here as it has elsewhere.

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