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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Speech?

Excerpts from comments from a story on the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the First Amendment free speech rights of the Westboro Baptist Church:


Not a problem !

We will now deal with these parasites in a much more appropriate manner !

In reply to IBB2:


And that would be?


Oh, what a scary post! I am sure they are shaking in their boots now.


Gawd ... another "Second Amendment solution ..."

Between spinnakr and my_left_foot:


A rational mind would have instantly thought of a another (sic) FIRST Amendment solution such as that expressed by The Patriot Guard Riders since they've been doing such a wonderful job countering these parasites in the past.


I was referring to IBB2's comment, Leftie, but you keep projecting.


And I was referring to yours.

I wouldn't dream of projecting the honor and respect of The Patriot Guard Riders on you, spinnakr.

And finally, my reply to my_left_foot (aka Sondra):

Hey Larry! Look! I’ve got my own stalker!

Funny thing, though, my last comment was somehow deleted. Imagine a thing like that on a story about First Amendment rights!


Anonymous98507 said...

Hmmmm, your comments are there now, Spinnaker. I've noticed that sometimes comments don't display at first but do when you refresh the screen.

Spinnaker said...

I added a different comment, 98507, but my original one was taken off within minutes of being posted. I checked on two different computers; the original comment is not there.

Anonymous98507 said...

OK, I see.

(I copy my comments into a document right after I post them just in case this same thing happens to them.)

Anon_the_Great said...

Sondrak has resumed her Dadaism after her regular two week hiatus. Another round of her clearly bi-polar behavior.

Tammy is clinically insane. It is time for the Olympian to ban her permanently using her IP address.