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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I watched Bill O'Reilly.....

He is the new John the Baptist of FOX.

O'Reilly set up softballs for Huckabee to cleanse him of his statement about Obama's Kenyan upbringing.

I vomited.

Is that poetry?


Anonymous98507 said...

Larry, why do you torture yourself that way?

a real winer said...

I don't know about poetry, but there is a certain symmetry there.

sidrat38 said...

I don't know about poetry, Larry, but I'm sure there's a good haiku there

Spinnaker said...

And Huckabee still fouled off the pitch, with his inane talk about Madrassas.

How about a Huckabee/Palin GOP ticket in 2012?

Kardnos said...

98507 - I have remotecontrolitus