PAUL BEGALA, CNN: I’m just glad we have a president who when we have a problem in Libya doesn't freak out and invade Liberia.
MAHER: Right.
BEGALA: Which is what the last guy, that’s what Bush would have done.
LOESCH: Or you know what? Or accidentally bomb a medicine factory like Clinton did.
Dana Loesch, self proclaimed Tea Party associate who takes exception when the original term 'TeaBagger" is used, was one of two Conservatives on Maher last night. Most of the time she spent in TeaBag mode, denying things like the red state/blue state tax redistribution (which is documented so much a school child can find it on the internet). Her standard line is "I don't accept that". So what, Dana?
So, to the issue at hand, she equates misidentifying a building for starting a war in a country that wasn't responsible for 9/11/01.
Personally, I'm going to email Maher's producers and ask for quality Conservatives that can engage a real dialog. Loesch is a fool.
Of course, she can't understand why Michele Bachmann isn't taken seriously as a presidential candidate.
Now THERE is something to mark as "funny"
... as in funny/peculiar.
I think Loesch is Maher's new Christine O'Donnell.
Comic relief for a political discussion program.
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