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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

She-Who is in action again


  • my_left_foot
    It's not that Conservatives lack compassion it's that the left is full of the phoney fake and self motivated "compassion" that only serves themselves.

    Not everything is about how you "feeeeeeeeeeel". The destitute don't give a rats *** about how some Olympia liberal "feeeeeeeeels" while sipping a latte at Traditions congratulating everyone for their 'feeeeeelings' and murals and stupid boycotts.

    We see what they have accomplished for all those they claim to feeeeeeeeeel compassion for...

    Get over yourselves. Or don't. But stop projecting your lack of any meaningful results on the rest of us. We already know how you 'feeeeeeeeeeel".

  • radec
    As usual, very well put!

  • Anonymii
    Isn't that cute? She-who is talking to herself.......

  • Read more:


    Kardnos said...

    For Christ's sake.....

    Her entire blog is characters of her own making talking to themselves.

    Anon_the_Great said...

    What a shrill hateful bitch. All that anger will kill her.

    Kardnos said...

    Speaking of "radec"....

    Try posting "radec" on the TNT forum.

    Your comment will not publish. Obviously their moderation software will eliminate a comment by isolating a word.

    Very cool.