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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

BART joined by the Olympian

Evergreen on Sierra Magazine's green-university list

Guess what-- the Zero isn't allowing comments on this article about TESC. Looks like it apparently has joined California's BART in preemptively preventing possibly negative public actions.


sidrat38 said...

It's not only this article, but also the one about the seismic refit on Evergreens clock tower...

Anonymous98507 said...

If they don't block commenting altogether (either on a whole article or selectively all comments by specific commenters), they remove comments, as noted by the following:

second time a rather innocuous comment "disappeared." Big brother or daily zero incompetence?

The Olympian is truly a shabby newspaper... a very sad example of balanced journalism.

Read more:

Kardnos said...

The beginning of the end

Spinnaker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spinnaker said...

Maybe it's just too hard to effectively moderate comments about an institution that is so uniformly and unjustifiably vilified by the Right.

Anonymous98507 said...

Particularly since many of us suspect that the moderators lean too far to one side or the other. When our comments are removed yet vitriol-filled comments by the "other guys" are left, what are we supposed to think?