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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I just don't think she can help it


Anonymous98507 said...

Check out the comments on Four things you didn’t know about Michele Bachmann. At the present time there are 1163 comments, and the 20 "popular now" comments are all anti-Bachmann. One funny one: If she looks like the crazy cat lady, talks like the crazy cat lady, and rants like she is coockoo for coco puffs like the crazy cat lady, she is most likely, a crazy cat lady.
Stop spinning the crazy lady with the gay husband into what American morality looks like.

Anonymous98507 said...

Another good quote from the "Four things..." article:

So, Hillary Clinton is widely hated by the right because she is strong, intelligent and headstrong. But Michelle Bachmann is loved by the right because she is a weak, idiotic and takes orders from her husband. And that is why she would make a great president according to them.

The GOP. Turning back the clock on the woman's movement one day at a time.

LostOnAnIsland said...

Did she get laser eye surgery or is she high on acid? Both?

Anonymous98507 said...

To me she looks a bit cross-eyed, possibly from staring up at her husband as she grovels at his feet? [snort!]

Spinnaker said...

I'll bet she practices that look in a mirror.