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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hot damn! Somebody has glenn's number.....


    • ikonoklasm
      I get the feeling glenn is one of those people who expects reality to conform to his beliefs, not the other way around. You'd think he would have figured out by now the universe doesn't work that way.

And more from and about glenn:

  • glenn
    This comment was flagged for review.

  • sage1
    glenn you ill tempered moron, the article says there is a 100%  return on investment in two years, not 2000 years. That is impressive. You should jump on that kind of opportunity.

  • glenn
    I responeded to your heartfelt comment, but someone removed it. I said that I don't believe their numbers, but that since you're such a didecated little enviro-doofuss, you probably believe the BS.
    Now hang around the top of your aquarium, those bug flakes will come raining down any minute now.

  • sage1
    Glenn you cranky old drunk, why do you not believe their numbers

  • Read more:
    The update:

  • glenn
    I want to know why my comment was removed. What is going on with this paper?

    I pointed out that she complained about the location of the hdcp ramp.
    I pointed out that she complained about the location of the women's bathroom.
    I pointed out that she complained about the location of the hdcp stalls IN the bathroom.

    Then I asked if she just liked to complain.

    Everything a handicapped person needs is there.

  • Anonymll
    Did that do your heart good to have my comment removed?  I still say:
    glenn, why was it necessary for you to point out that you think
    she was complaining?  Did that add anything positive to the
    discussion?  Most of your comments aren't positive in any way.
     I remember when many of your comments were witty and funny but
    that was a long time ago, unfortunately.

  • glenn
    I quit drinking! I poured all my booze down the drain and my drain is drunk 24/7. My dog died of unnatural causes, I'm infested with pocket gophers, my neighbor divorced his wife (they're still brother and sister) and a handicapped lady is complaining about all of the handicapped opportunities at a rest stop.
    Now you know what happened to me.
    I also don't get the question about having your comment removed. I NEVER use the abuse button and blood shoots out of my eyes when others DO use it. I hate censorship.

  • Wild_Child
    I know what you mean, even though I was on topic, they flagged three out of my four comments on the 0bama troop withdrawal thread.
    So much for freedom of speech if you are a conservative anyway.

  • Read more:


    Kardnos said...

    When in Fuck's creation will the Conservative Stupid asses comprehend what Freedom of Speech really is?

    Anonymous98507 said...

    Never happen..... they're just too damned stupid.