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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The truth about Cal Thomas' latest pile of excrement

Posted in response to Cal Thomas' drivel entitled "Just because a person dies does not disqualify them from government check" (and to capture it in case someone just can't stand to read the truth and reports it to a moderator who just can't hold fast against such a complaint):

    • Otis_Campbell
      Let's break it down, shall we?

      The Office of Personnel Management annually disburses 60 Billion dollars to 2.5 Million retirees.   Even Cal admits that 99.9975% of the payments are properly disbursed.  But he is horrified that .0025% or $150 million may be mailed to addresses of people that died and the family or local authorities failed to notify the Feds.  Cal's favorite wars cost us 1 billion dollars a week and deliver even more dead Federal employees. Selective outrage?

      Cal sites Tom Coburn who apparently slept through his eight years in the Senate while he cheerfully spent trillions in borrowed money.  Somehow he managed to overlook those "improper payments" that are now such a dire threat.. Do the math.  Since 2000, $1 Billion works out to $400.00 per corpse.  Those devious mourning families are making out like bandits!

      Cal points to a thief that defrauded taxpayers of 1200.00 a month for 37 years and uses the crime as proof  "why the government has no qualms about spending other people’s money?"  Huh?  Talk about blaming the victim!

      Gads this gets tiresome...

      Let's see.. In order to provide some relief to someone other than Wall Street vampires, one-time $250 payments were made to 57 million people ineligible for social security supplemental or veterans benefits. (An amount that would partially offset a 15% health insurance increase in a year that they would receive no COLA.)  If, on average, 40,000 people die in the United States in a single day, don't you think there's a chance that the Federal government wasn't immediately notified that 89,000 or .0015% of these elderly recipients died before the checks were mailed out?

      Then, of course, the reliably vile Cal slips in a gratuitous slander implying voter fraud.

      The old fraud then uses these lies to cluck about an imaginary "bloated" government while assigning "Fair and Balanced" blame to the Democrats for the insane antics of the Republican nihilists in Congress.  Oh yeah.. Don't forget to slam the unions Cal!  Those budget-busting wage slaves in the USPS have spent $26 million in "standy hours during the last year and a half". Pikers!  The Pentagon spends that much in less than 4 hours in Iraq.

      For the "Big Finish" Cal bends over and pulls out the Solyndra non-story Fox "News" has been flogging to their slack-jawed viewers.

      A cutting-edge Tech start-up founded by the type of "Job Creator" entrepreneur that Cal usually worships was provided a government loan. The U.S. hoped to gain jobs and maintain a technological lead in Solar Energy.  The company was undercut by cheap Chinese production and went bankrupt.  So obviously, Fox "News" and Cal want to use this failure as an opportunity to slag both the government stimulus and "Green" energy.  They are eager to slime Obama and paint him as an illegitimate "fist-bumping" gangster.

      So no.  I don't think there should be government waste.  Let's get serious about it.  Let's look for the $9 Billion "disappeared" off a pallet in Iraq.  Let's pull back from having troops in 135 countries around the world.  Let's stop bailing out the loathsome Banksters.

      "What is wrong with this country" is that a wretched, depraved creature such as Cal is paid any consideration whatsoever.  He is a liar and he is profoundly immoral.

    • Djinn
      "Gads this gets tiresome…"
      I agree, you are tiresome.
    • Otis_Campbell
      Oh My!  How closed-minded of you.

      So you are implying that I shouldn't point out how Cal is lying about this type of
      wasteful spending?  Or are you so close minded towards one individual,
      that nothing they say can be right in your eyes?  That is what is wrong
      with this country now, too many people unable to see anything other than
      whomever they perceive is on their side.

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1 comment:

Kardnos said...


sumptin' stinks....

There is a Djinn2 or is it Djenn2 on the Trib's comments occasionally