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Sunday, October 2, 2011

She-Who has a new "admirer"!


  • TEAPartyZombie
    I hate the poor.

  • kenny_bloggins
    Well, come along! I've got two spears,And I'll poke your eyeballs out at your ears;I've got besides two curling-stones,And I'll crush you to bits, body and bones.

    hint: I'm saying you're a Trollympian.

  • kenny_bloggins
    so there's that

  • TEAPartyZombie
    Aw. You're upset.

  • kenny_bloggins
    Just having fun Sondra.

  • TEAPartyZombie
    "Sondra" is the Lympians' "Godwin's  Law"


  • kenny_bloggins
    Ever since Larry left.

  • Read more:



    Kardnos said...

    Larry???? Left?????

    Say it's not so.....

    There are people on The Olympian who have been talking to Larry for well over a year.....

    Anonymous98507 said...

    "Sondra" is the Lympians' "Godwin's Law"

    Oh, my, is Sondra aka TEAPartyZombie admitting that she's a .... shhh ... "nazi"?

    a real winer said...

    She's just saying that it is all about her. In case you needed a reminder.

    Anonymous said...


    Kardnos said...

    did someone sort of grow a set???

    Anonymous said...

    A set? Balls are soft and sensitive. I think you mean grow a vagina. Now that's something that can stand up to a good pounding.

    Kardnos said...

    "Grow a set"

    Two brain cells.