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Thursday, June 4, 2015

"If the Republican party loses next year, it will be for a simple reason. It asked too many Americans to agree to be simple minded."

*  The only time the GOP received more votes was Dubya/Cheney reelection right in the middle of his Deadly, Needless, & Unfunded wars. Al gore received over 1/2 million more popular votes before the GOP controlled SCOTUS gave him the POTUS, also in every election  lately the only way the Tealiban Bagger Terrorist Controlled Republicans won any election is because of gerrymandered districts there have been more democrats voting in everyone of the elections.
*  So, Rudy is saying that to be a Republican is be an intellectual Dinosaur that never evolves, spouts the party line, and never, ever thinks for itself? Yep... he nailed it......
*  Simply put, if you're not owned by the Religious Right, you can't be a Republican.
*  Everyone knows what Republitards are against. But what are they FOR? Corporate greed and even more government intrusion into the American people's private lives.
*  To be a republican all you need to do is say and do whatever the billionaires tell you to.
*   The notion that leftists are opposed to "personal responsibility" is just as silly as the notion that we're in favor of wasteful spending or are promoting a "gay agenda" or think abortions are wonderful. Such absurd notions are promoted by an anti-intellectual, black-and-white worldview. Sadly, with the help of the corporate media, those ideas have taken hold in the minds of many, but that doesn't make those ideas any less absurd.
Let Me Finish: Giuliani serves the GOP with its eviction notice
By Chris Matthews, June 2, 2015

Let me finish with this…Rudy Giuliani today served the Republican party with its eviction notice.

He did it in New York fashion - big, loud and crystal clear. He said you can’t be a Republican candidate for president unless you’re right on gay marriage - against it! If you’re not right on abortion - you want to outlaw it! And you want to give a chance to illegal immigrants, a chance to become Americans.

Rudy’s list was quite a score sheet but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

If you want to be a Republican today, a candidate on the Republican ticket, you have be against common core, against Obamacare, against gun control, against any recognition of man’s role in climate change.

This is why the Republican party has lost so many popular elections for president of late…five of the last six, in fact.

It’s why, even with a platoon of candidates, it has yet to offer a positive, winning vision to the American electorate for next year. It’s simply too hard to get the majority of the American people - in a country well over three hundred million - to agree on so many items, to score a perfect 100% on the assigned list of positions people are supposed to take.

If the Republican party loses next year, it will be for a simple reason. It asked too many Americans to agree to be simple minded.

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