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Monday, March 28, 2016

"The bad news is that electing such a con man to run for the highest office [in] the land is detrimental and dangerous."

Donald Trump: His madness drives GOP insanity
By Coug Thompson, March 28, 2016
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside
There behind a glass stands a real blade of grass
Be careful as you pass, move along, move along
Come inside, the show’s about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you’ll get your money’s worth
Greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth
You’ve got to see the show, it’s a dynamo
You’ve got to see the show, it’s rock and roll, oh
So often in American politics, the two verses above from Emerson, Lake & Palmer’s Karn Evil 9 offer a vivid display of a system out of control.

Every election year, we seem to plunge to new depths in our selection of candidates for Congress and the White House.

Yet each year brings new, previously unimaginable lows.  The pits of hyperbole, hypocrisy and hate have no bottom.  Each year pushes the pit even lower.

In some ways, the ascension of showman and megalomaniac Doanld Trump as most-likely Republican candidate is a classic “good news, bad news” joke.

The bad news is that electing such a con man to run for the highest office is the land is detrimental and dangerous.

The good news is that his selection should, and may, destroy the vapid Republican Party.

I worked as a political operative for the Republican Party in 1994, the year another con artist, Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich put together a string of lies called “A Contract With America” and used it to take control of Congress.

The “contract” promised term limits, and end to padding legislation with boondoggles for members of Congress and more response from Congress to needs of “the American people.”

Gingrich and his cronies scrapped term limits as soon as they took control and walked away from virtually every other promise in his contract of lies.

As Speaker of the House, he helped lead the drive to impeach President Bill Clinton for his peccadilloes with White House intern Monica Lewsinsky while he — as the leader of the House in Congress — dallied with a committee staff member behind his wife’s back.

I walked away from politics in disgust.  I was in it for the money and there wasn’t enough money any more to force me to look the other way.  Not enough booze either.  My first stop was Alcoholic Anonymous and has been sober, as of this writing, 21 years, eight months and 22 days.

Republicans, however continued their downward plunge into the depths.  Adherence to extreme rapid right-wingers like tea party groups, nomination of outright frauds like Sarah Palin as a potential vice president and outright racism after the nation elected its first African American President.

Now the party of the overweight and out of control elephant totters on the edge of madness with a nomination of a flamboyant, ego-ridden, former reality show host and real estate billionaire to carry the GOP flag into the general election.

Donald Trump lies so often that an army of fact-checkers cannot keep up with all of his falsehoods.  His potential First Lady is a Russian born model who strips off her clothes for any photographer with a check that doesn’t bounce. He brags openly about how “hot” his wife is and also admits lustful feelings about his young daughter.

His campaign tactics includes comments on the appearance of women and references to bodily functions.

Reports Sean Sullivan of The Washington Post:
“That’s junior high school stuff,” said Chris Cary, 53, a Web programmer who backs Cruz. “We should be talking about ISIS. We should be talking about the loss of our freedoms.”
Christopher Handler, 60, a painter at Lambeau Field, concurred, saying, “I don’t like to see the wives getting involved.”
Trump has been at the center of many of the campaign’s most vitriolic moments. The real estate mogul has insulted Carly Fiorina’s looks, questioned Ben Carson’s religion, and endlessly mocked Bush, Rubio and Cruz.
He also brags about planning to us[e] illegal and immoral methods against other nationalities, claims he will build a wall around the U.S. border of Mexico and wants to bring back internment camps aimed –this time– at Muslims.

Trumps drops four-letter words like a kid who shouts obscenities to be noticed and then attacks others for “vulgarity.”

Republicans, too late, finally recognized the real threat of a Trump nomination and now are willing to find a way to wrest the nomination from him and deliver it to Ted Cruz, a right-wing blowhard despised by the mainstream as much as Trump.

Are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz the best that Republicans can offer this nation?  Sadly, that appears to be the case.

Is this leadership?  No way.

Is it Republican politics? Absolutely.

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