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Thursday, April 7, 2016

"... two out of three people now have an unfavorable view of the [GOP] party." Ya don't say?

*  "The poll finds that just 30 percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the GOP." That'll win you a lot of elections, Republicans. Hey, Republicans, just keep doing whatever it is you're doing now. It's working great, isn't it?
Logical. Who wants clowns for president?
Most people are not that stupid. How can you support a party that has a lead candidate just because he inherited lots of money and tells every audience just what they want to hear - without any regard for truth or for what he said the day before to a special interest group. 
   *  Well the American people voted in Raygun and George W. Bush and Obama. So I guess Americans do want clowns or should I say puppets!
*  Wait, there is still a Republican Party? I thought it died a miserable death a month or two ago. Wait....I was just informed it is on life support and the plug will be pulled in November.
*  Note how the Trumpettes say every piece of negative press about The Donald is propaganda and a lie. The lay term for this is denial.
*   For the majority of the American population voting republican is like voting against yourself. They offer nothing and want everything
AP-GfK Poll: GOP negative ratings surge with Trump's rise
By Steve Peoples and Emily Swanson, April 7, 2016

 A big majority of Americans now view the Republican Party unfavorably, according to a new poll that suggests Donald Trump could be dragging down the GOP’s brand.

The Associated Press-GfK poll finds that two out of three people now have an unfavorable view of the party.

The 67 percent unfavorable rating is up from the 58 percent who viewed the GOP negatively in October 2014.

The poll finds that just 30 percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the GOP.

The new poll finds that 48 percent have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, while 50 percent have an unfavorable view. Those numbers are largely unchanged since October of 2014.

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