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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Yeah, and if we elect Cruz, we-the-people will be in a public hell.

*  Being a Trump surrogate would be a special kind of hell.
*  Now if only we could trap Ted in his!
*  Chris Christie has sold something of himself to the devil. He looks tormented
*  "Conservatives" are such a joke. That they actually think either Trump or Cruz is any better than the other one is like asking if you'd rather lay down naked in puddle of vomit or diarrhea.
*  If we ended up with a President Trump or a President Cruz, then we'd all be in a very public hell.
*  Oh my, how wonderful to watch the Republican Party self destructing. Rence Priebus should start getting his resume ready.
*  A Canadian, a Cuban, and a whites suprematist walk into a bar. Bartender says, "what will you have senator Cruz?"
Cruz: Chris Christie is 'trapped in his own private hell'
By Maxwell Tani, April 12, 2016

Sen. Ted Cruz said on Tuesday that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got trapped in his "own private hell" by endorsing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In a Tuesday interview with Glenn Beck, the conservative commentator who has endorsed the senator for president, Cruz expressed sympathy for the governor, saying that he looked like he wanted to scream when he stood behind Trump at a rally in March.

"Look at the humiliation he inflicts on people like Chris Christie," Cruz said of Trump. "Chris Christie is a good man. I like Chris Christie. Chris Christie right now is trapped in his own private hell. When Chris was standing behind Donald Trump holding his jacket, the look in his eyes — you could see the screaming.

"You know what gets me is the servility of Chris forced to call Donald 'Mr. Trump,'" Cruz added.

Though the governor has appeared on the campaign trail with Trump several times this year, Christie has largely stayed on the sidelines since an awkward appearance during an early-March press conference with the real-estate magnate.

Christie hasn't been the only Trump campaign surrogate to make headlines over his seemingly uncomfortable relationship with the mogul.

Over the past two weeks, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has raised eyebrows over a controversial series of interviews in which he has acknowledged Trump's flaws, such as his penchant for provocative and hyperbolic statements and his "horrible" hypothetical general-election poll numbers.

"He has some major defects, there's no question about it, just like the rest of us," Carson said of Trump in a radio interview. "But I think he is willing to listen to other people."

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